Thursday, January 08, 2009

I did catch the sun...

So like (at least) the last 3 years, this year too I watched the sun rise.

Though I must admit it was VERY cold and swinging on the swing (even very slowly) was a stupid thing to do in such a situation. Yes I did go back to my room and searched for my sweater (which is something super rare in my cupboard which is why I own only 1 - I mean who wears a sweater in Mumbai unless you like ride a bike at 6 AM regularly or something). But I had no luck. So I went back out with my bed-sheet (stupid again because I shouldn't have bothered - its so thin anyways) and not my blanket because my blanket would have either go dirty on the swing or if it go dragged on the terrace floor (which is super dusty except for about 5 mins after the maid cleans it). It's a blanket and not a shawl you can fold around yourself and walk about.

Anyway this year wasn't so impressive. Even leaving aside the cold. The night didn't turn to day in a beautifully dramatic fashion. Instead the sky was shades of oranges and blacks and then just light blue. No moon. No morning star. Nothing :(

Also I could finally see the sun at only 7:30. I think I was a little foolish of going out at 6:45 (especially after knowing that the sun would rise at 7:11 [according to some website]). But I guess hope is always good. And honestly I was sort of sleepy. It was after all the most 'hectic' New Years Eve.

Like every year there were interesting observations this year too.

The horizon was orange and there are lots of under construction buildings around. Seeing those building and all the cranes around them was quite eerie. I don't know why but it was. Maybe childhood ghost stories about haunted places and the 'not yet light' bit.

But of course made me think about what this city is becoming. I remember when it was rare to see building over 5-6 stories (with exceptions like maker towers and usha kiran and the likes). Now it's rare to see building that are being built with only 5-6 floors. Like some smart person told me 'when there is no more land left to build building on, the only way you can go is up'.

For me my sky line is changing. And nothing proves that more than the fact that before when the sun used to rise on Jan 1st I could see it at the horizon. Today I have to wait for it to rise above a building :(

I know lots of people would wonder what the big deal is with that but when you grow up believing certain things should be a certain way, it's difficult to accept things that change that set notion.

I saw these 2 people (elderly) walking on their building terrace across the lane. For them this looked like just another morning. 1st of January meant nothing. They were up there at 6:30-7:00 AM as they are everyday (assuming they are seeing as how the walk looked like a routine). I always wonder about those people for whom the day is just like any other (like the dhobis who are at their routine every year - this year I didn't hear them though). For most of them I am sure it is not a choice but part of their livelihood. The other people who don't seem to care are older people. I guess for them it's just that all this 'celebration' seems like a youngsters thing or that they celebrate their New Year on another day in other ways.

This year I felt that the birds were extra loud. But of course that isn't the case. The birds are as loud as they are at any point in time. It's just that the surrounding is so quiet that they seem loud. Only after did I hear the train whistle did the point come to me. Now we rarely hear a train whistle except very late in the night or very early in the morning or on a very quiet afternoon. Just goes to show how things 'are' so different under different circumstances.

I thought about how uneventful 2008 seemed but how quickly it seemed to have passed. I also thought about 2009 and realized that it either might be the most uneventful year (in recent times i.e. the last 6-7 years) or the most interesting. This is going to be my year in more ways than 1. Or at least the first 6 months.

One of my resolution for the year is to be better prepared for 1st Jan 2010. Warm clothes and warm coffee to keep the cold and sleep away. Also maybe next year I will try to go to the building terrace and see if I can catch the sun at the horizon. Will also take pictures maybe. Hopefully I will end up buying a new camera this year. Not that I don't like my current one, but it's not the best thing around to capture unforgettable moments.

Here's wishing everyone a brilliant 2009.

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