Thursday, January 01, 2009

Waiting for the sun to rise...

Here I am at 5:11 AM, not wide awake but not half asleep either...waiting for the sun to rise.

For some reason I always watch the 1st sunrise of the New Year. And since I am not the kind of person who would wake up (and stay up after having slept properly) to watch night turn into day, I always end up staying up till 7 AM or so.

This year sunrise is going to happen at 7:11 AM but obviously it will get light by 6:30-6:45 AM or so, which makes it better because I have a little over an hour to waste away.

Last year I wrote down in the early dawn why it was that I though I have made this a ritual. I sounded very lame with the whole 'new day new beginning' rubbish. Honestly I don't think it's symbolic because I don't need this symbolism in my life. Accept and move on is something I tell myself to do all the time.

I think there are 2 other reasons I do this every year -

1) When I first started doing this I think it was as a sign of rebellion. You know someone staying up till 7 AM to do something like wait for daybreak is not something that my parents really understand. I think the first few times I told them I wanted to do this (back then maybe the symbolism was needed) they would tell me to shut up and go to sleep. I honestly don't know how many times I have done this but I remember 3 in the past distinctly with 2 happening the last 2 years. It's a great feeling to actually do something you want to do, which people don't think you should bother doing.

2) I rarely see a sunrise. When I was in school once in a while I would catch one either because I was studying too late or waking up too early to study or to go for sports day or to attend some extra tuition etc. Now it's not important to see a sunrise. Not important at all but I like it. I like how night turns to day. I love watching the moon in the early morning. I love the different shades of blue the sky turns in the span of a few minutes. The chill of the early hours. I love 'feeling' life come alive around me - the birds chirping, the sounds of the dhobis washing clothes somewhere, a few people venturing out for their morning walk. The last star fading. I guess I love the idea of watching such rapid (beautiful) change happening. Since on New Years, I am up till at least 3 AM usually, it firstly becomes a lot easier to stay up and secondly if I watch the sunrise on the 1st of January itself, I fill I have finished a task I was suppose to compete at least once in the year.

Wow enough of rambling. It's 5:23 AM. The net sucks, I have a stand-by CPU which doesn't even have MS office forget my documents, music, videos etc. So every minute just seems very long. I do have the CD 'Rock On' (which I haven't seen as yet) but I will have to go to the hall and unlock the doors and turn everything on etc and I am too lazy.

Well anyway don't know what I will do for the next hour but I am sure I won't sleep before 7:15. No way am I going to stay up this late and miss the sunrise.

Happy 2009 :D


ceedy said...

Thats kewl...but are you afraid that it might not rise??

Deepali said...

Hehe after this Jan I am only scared that it might not rise soon enough. It's quite cold that early. Next year I'll be prepared to face the temperature.

Solitaire said...

Happy New Year! It was quite nice to read your post and I wondered if you did indeed catch the sunrise.

Thanks for your detailed comment on my post on Psychobabble. More updates are up!

Deepali said...

Happy New Year to you too :)

I did catch the sun rise :D and might put up a post about it.

Glad you have more updates :) will check them soon