Sunday, January 07, 2007

0 ambition...

I have been asking myself all sorts of questions but like always come up with nothing.
The first of the questions was the easiest and I have a satisfactory answer. The rest I am still struggling with. This line of question is being pursued because I believe I have no ambition but a lot of ability, and that ability is useless unless there is ambitions. While goals and targets are just as good to see you get to some place, if you have no ambition you don't have goals unless someone sets them for you. The problem, with someone else deciding your goals is that unless they want lots done by you, you will never realise your true potential and never your heart's desire.

1> Are people born with ambition?
I never believe that people are born with anything. Strong believer of nurture over nature. The only thing you really get from parents are physical - features, illnesses, etc. Things like attitude, personality etc, I believe we pick up as we go along and therefore I don't believe that people are born with ambition.

2> Can you develop ambition?
Obviously. Cause if you aren't born with it, it's something that you will develop. This lead me to the more correct question of whether ambition could be developed consciously. Consciously meaning developing ambition with the intent of developing ambition.

3> Assuming ambition can be developed consciously, how does one develop it?
This I still can't figure. Keep working at something? Set goals for self that are difficult? Look at what you might like doing and do it even if it's not something you do regularly? A little of all of the above? I don't know...I wonder if I ever will.

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