Saturday, February 04, 2006

You only really get 2 know people when u have fought with them. Then & only then can u judge their true character...

Read this in 'The Dairy of Anne Frank'. Well its not verbatim, but that was the jist of it. And its so true. The book is pretty good. I have difficulty believing that a 13-14 year old kid wrote it. She was very mature for her age. And even though I'm not beyond 50 pages, I have already realised that there are lots of lessons/ realizations to be picked from here.
Well we are always so goody goody to people who are not in our direct inner circle. Only the people we know very well, we fight with. I guess its cause, when we fight, we bring our ugly side out. And we don't want everyone to know that side of ours. But like Anne says, thats who we truly are right.
Also the way people fight. Some people are never satisfied till they have won or atleast believe till they have won, while others just back off and either accept what the other says or silently believe otherwise. There are others who will fight with logic while others still will try to prove their point even though they make no sense to anyone other than themselves. There are some who will get very emotional and some who will stay totally sensible. I think this reflect upon ones personality too...Don't you...

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