Sunday, May 25, 2008


There is so much knowledge out there and there is so little we can / want to absorb. This weekend I decided that I would spend at least 2 hours every weekend reading any that might add to my knowledge / life.

Maybe I will blog (every weekend) about anything interesting I read.

Came across an article on Dumb Little Man - Obtain the Desired Result by Making the Right Kind of Effort.

The article doesn't really give you tips that will make you more efficient in result achievement tomorrow itself. But I like it a lot and I guess that is because in a way it is talking about learning from observing what is around you and then implementing that learning. It talks about how we should look at nature and learn how to work with minimum effort to achieve maximum results.

Few points from the article if you don't want to read the whole thing -

There is a natural grain to everything
When I was a boy, my father taught me how to chop wood. First, you have to have a sharp axe. But second, and just as important, is that you need to cut along the wood’s natural grain. If you line the axe up along the grain, the wood will fall apart more easily, but if you try to chop at right angles to the grain, you’ll end up with a blunt axe, sore arms, and a badly cut piece of wood.

Nature is naturally cooperative and synergistic
In nature, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. If you place two plants near to each other, their roots will intertwine to make the soil richer for both of them. The organs in your body don’t compete with each other – they cooperate at a deep, intelligent level. Ecosystems contain a natural harmony, each part fitting into the overall scheme. When people in organizations work together instead of being defensive and competitive, new and innovative solutions to problems emerge.

Things are cyclical
Nature follows cycles: day follows night follows day, Autumn follows summer, spring follows winter, fields need to lie fallow, animals hibernate, birds migrate for the winter and then come back again. Plants appear to die in the winter, but really they are following the natural cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Everything has its time

The P/PC balance
A tree produces fruit only for a season and then rests; most animals have a mating season which lasts only for a short time each year. We need to take a lesson from nature, realizing that without rest and rejuvenation, our capacity to be productive will decline.

The article has been contributed by Michael Miles. Michael maintains a blog on creating abundance by the proper use of your subconscious mind. Visit the Site at

Do check out Dumb Little Man - it is an interesting site with lots of great articles.

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