Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Cab Ride...

So I get out at my station at 9:15 p.m. today and it's already super late but the best part is that there is no bus and the cabs are not going to toward where I live, I over heard a few people asking before I got to the cab line. Anyway I also start asking cause there is nothing better to do. As luck has it, a cabbie agrees and I'm getting in when this girl or young woman asks if I can drop her off on the way. I say 'ya sure' and we get in and she says 'there is this one lady who is trying since a really long time to get a cab and she isn't able to, shes going where you are headed, if you don't mind I'll ask her to join.' I am like okay sure.

Now while I like the idea of saving on petrol consumption and money, I am not comfortable with traveling with strangers like that.

Anyway what is so interesting about the cab ride is that in 10 minutes I actually learned this girls name, what she did for a living (designer), which area she worked in, where she was staying, that she was from out of town, how she finds traveling a pain. She got to know the area I live, where I work - company and location, that I work till pretty late, the location of where my office was previously, my preference of trains, etc.

Obviously there is some things that won't be surface level but for instance, her inviting the lady who desperately wanted to get to where I was going, revealed something about this girl to me. The fact that I didn't accept her money or the money of the other lady (I would have paid the full amount any which way) must have made her form some opinion about that too.

We meet to many people in our day to day life, either in ordinary or extra-ordinary situations, and all can have some impact on our life, if we like. For instance, I couldn't help but think what it must be like to be single, working, living in a hostel but listening to that girl or rather young lady cause even though she looked 20, I am assuming she must have been at least 23 - 24.

I also couldn't help thinking the relief the other woman must have felt to be getting to where she had to go fast. Also the happiness she might have had for getting a free ride (she could afford a taxi but not everyday, if you know what I mean). So I impacted her life for 15 minutes today more than she did mine but there is still a lesson there for me to learn - to try and give people 'lifts' if they 'seem alright'.

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