Saturday, January 20, 2007

So many serial killers suddenly?...

Well the real question isn't about so many serial killers, as much it is as 'suddenly'.
And that isn't a real question either.

Because there are lots of sickos out there. And a lot of serial killers. (I am sure there are so many murders that haven't been traced to be a 'signature' of a serial killer as yet.)

It's just that as a nation we choose to believe that serial killers, paedophiles don't exist amongst us. We don't believe things like child molestation, incest, cannibalism etc happen.

And when something as big as what happen in Noida, becomes breaking news, everyone eats it up cause it's so 'unbelievable'. And then the new channels go on this crazy mode where all they talk endlessly about is serial killers. And then the police also SUDDENLY start finding serial killers everywhere.

I think we have to start believing that there are BAD things out there. That people who look 'normal' might have 'conditions' that many of us don't understand. It's about time we realized that things 'like these' aren't just a phenomenon in the West and that all this stuff doesn't happen because 'those people' are 'dirty'.

If you don't believe the problem exists, how will you find a solution?

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