Tuesday, November 03, 2009

'Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time'. - Mark Twain

Always love quotes by Mark Twain. I surprisingly have read little of his work. Probably has to do with having to read 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' when I was too young for it and at a time where I didn't quite like reading yet.

Will give his writings another go though cause he seems like a very intelligent man.

In terms of, a 'habit being flung out the window', I have known a few people who have just given up a bad habit right away or started out and stuck with a good one. But for most people I think the coaxing is needed. Most of us fall off the bandwagon (sometimes are aren't even on it...we just think we are) at some point or another and then have to get back on.

Have a bunch of bad habits I want to get rid off and a bunch of 'good' habits I want to adopt. Came across this interesting article recently- The Habit Change Cheatsheet and at least many of the '29 ways' are worth trying. What was most interesting though and something I have never thought off in the past is 'identifying the trigger(s)' and 'replacing them with a replacement habit'. Would definitely recommend the article to those trying to change a habit.


Tall Guy said...

Trying to change habits?

Deepali said...

Hehe ALWAYS ;)
And always failing too :P

Ketan said...

Well, 'replacing with a replacement habit' is a strategy used in de-addiction. Especially, for smoking cessation. And looks like you've found a replacement habit for your blogging. ;) Now it's only one post every two days instead of two every day. And in between, there were even fewer. /:)

Deepali said...

Ah well I don't have too much interesting stuff to say right now. Plus had computer and internet problems for a long time. Haven't even got back into the habit of reading all the blogs I follow. I find that whenever I don't have the computer/internet for a long duration (anything about 3 days) going back to reading all my feeds is the toughest thing.

Preethi said...

Dunno how i missed this post earlier... but i need to say that i've always loved MT. He's extremely witty .... here's an anecdote... There was once anLady (from a noble family) who kinda wanted to prove that she's smart and witty etc... kinda wanted to steal the show while in a group.... so she said "Do you know that 'Sugar' is the only word in the english language that has 'S' and 'U' together in the begining and is pronounced 'SHU' and Mark Twain without missing a beat replied... are you SURE? he heee loved it :)

Deepali said...

Hehe...He has brilliant quotes - read The adventures of Tom Sawyer as a kid and never quite understood it so haven't read any of his other work. But whenever I come across a quote of his, I find him to be a person of great observation :)