Friday, April 28, 2006

Children of a great god...

Was talking to a friend the other day who wanted to know what the opposite of 'children of a lesser god' would be...I said it should be 'children of a greater god'. After a little while he was like 'ya, your a child of a greater god'. Well I shouldn't lie, so I will agree. It does seem like I am a child of a greater god. Had everything easy in life. Have everything anyone would want. A great family, a good education, a fun job, cool friends, lotsss of opportunities (which I dont capitalize on), a fantastic house (at least I think so), and enough money (not mine - in the family) to live well off. Lot of people dont even have 1/10th of what I do. Sometimes I feel guilty about it, but I let it pass. It's a crime I know, or rather a sin, if you believe in such stuff....I only sit there and think well at least I know I'm better off what about people who have everything, even more than me and still are not satisfied, they are the real scum right? Of course I'm only trying to fool myself and it doesn't work because I know what it is that I'm trying to achieve. And its not that I appreciate everything I have all the time. I sit and complain and bitch and do everything that there is no need to. But if your hollow you just are...
I believe that if I did pray I would pray for the 'children of a lesser god'...but I never believed praying was enough. It never gets you anything. And I sit and feel more guilty because I know I have to do something...but still here I sit.......

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