Friday, December 25, 2009

Where have I been...?

Busy at work.

Also when I am done working, I am either farming (Farmville) or wasting time elsewhere.

Also there hasn't been anything worthy of writing recently. Yup lots is happening but this blog isn't like a diary anymore so nothing to post.

The little writing I have been doing has been work related. Hehe mostly drafting and replying to emails :)

Anyway I think I need to start managing my time better and my blogs shouldn't end up on the back burner. It would be tragic to shun away my few readers by not having anything up here for long spells :)

Was reading this Time Management article recently and their point about 'asking for help' was something that really struck me. Too often we try to do everyone ourselves either because we don't want people to know we can't manage or because we think we are too great and / or want all the credit for a job done. Getting a lot of help at work but need to keep asking for some more I guess :)


Ketan said...

Yes, asking for help is definitely a humbling experience. I guess, I've become quite comfortable over the years with the idea.

There are other kinds of people, too, those who ask for so much help that they get almost all of their work done by others, and still end up getting all the credit! ;) Not sure, if such people survive beyond college education with such traits or not.

Let me try to threaten you, and see it works:

If you shun my blog as a reader and COMMENTATOR, I might return the favor in kind!

Phew! ;)

Happy holiday(s)!


Ketan said...

Yes, asking for help is definitely a humbling experience. I guess, I've become quite comfortable over the years with the idea.

There are other kinds of people, too, those who ask for so much help that they get almost all of their work done by others, and still end up getting all the credit! ;) Not sure, if such people survive beyond college education with such traits or not.

Let me try to threaten you, and see it works:

If you shun my blog as a reader and COMMENTATOR, I might return the favor in kind!

Phew! ;)

Happy holiday(s)!


PS: Not sure if my comment got submitted in the previous attempt, so here's another attempt.

Deepali said...

Ya hate those kind of people who CAN do whatever they need to but won't do it. Anyway all kind of people survive in all kinds of just have to keep wishing you don't meet the kind you don't like :)

Arre let's hope that I'm writing enough that you can shun the blog ;)

But ya I will drop in sometime but even less frequently than I use to

Tall Guy said...

Don't really get Farmville, guess I am not for farming :)

Sounds like you are getting addicted to work

Quite agree with what the article says. Been there and done that.

Deepali said...

Yup totally addicted to farmville - you have to have no (social) life to love it ;) well at least thats one criterion. I could go into a handful of them but I think I'd rather just go plant some onions :P

KP said...

whats a farmville? is that something similar to the one on facebook? i get updates all the time..i hate it on my facebook account...may be some day u shud write what is it....i always hide those updates from people...on my

Deepali said...

Sorry for the late reply KP - got around to checking all the comments I had today.

Yup I'm talking about the same farmville as you see on FB. Totally addicted :) and yup if you find those updates annoying (like I would if I wasn't playing) then you should definitely hide the updates cause generally you will see A LOT of updates. You can't do certain things on farmville unless you update. So for instance if you want to 'expand storage' you need to ask friends to help you out. So for that you need to put up a notification that goes onto your profile as an update :)

If you have a lot of free time and want to waste it, farmville is just for you...hehe