Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sample Universe...

I am alwayssssss skeptical about a research report (all of it) if I find that a result of the study is totally opposite of what I would have believed or assumed.

Now it might be wrong to feel that way but it could also be that the sample selected isn't a very good sample. If the sample doesn't reflect the universe, then there needs to be a special mention of the same.

Sure sometimes it might be true that my perception is that of an urban educated working woman, but seriously somethings are just not believable no matter what perception you have.

For example there is a report on 'what women want' and under 'new age applications picking up' we have social networking and p2p downloads - guess what %ages turn up - 4% and 3% respectively. Now either women don't know what social networking means or they don't know what p2p means. I mean you seriously want me to believe that 4% 'pick up' orkut and 3% pick up limewire. I think that is impossible. Therefore I am assuming that I am reading the report wrong.

And then (let me just take stats for Working Women) - in 'top of mind recall', yahoo gets a 57-59%, meaning 59 of out 100 women 'recall' yahoo but Google gets 20-21%. Amongst college kids, Yahoo has 60% and Google 17%. Now that's just ridiculous even if I discount for Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Messenger. But seriously??? I mean okay maybe again I am misunderstanding what top of mind recall means (they say it is the first website that a respondent recalls - doesn't make sense to me but whatever).

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