Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Casting my vote (for the elections and not some SMS on a stupid reality game show) makes me feel empowered.

Maybe it's because this is my first year voting and that's why there is this excitement and this feeling that I am making a difference (or trying to cause obviously it's not like the party or person I vote for will always win). Maybe over the years, this will just become something I don't care about but I doubt that will happen. Plus the other thing is that once you are on the voters list, there is nothing cumbersome about casting a vote. My center is like 2 minutes walking distance away :) the process takes less than 2 minutes...usually there isn't a super long line and you get from morning until evening to cast your vote.

Lets hope the party I voted for wins :)


Anonymous said...

first year voting ? then congrats

Deepali said...

Yup it is the first time :) thanks

Preethi said...

who did you vote for? Did they win?

Deepali said...

Hehe kya preethi asking all politically incorrect questions ;)
Well honestly I probably don't care about the results at all because I don't think any party can make any real difference but it makes me feel like I did my duty as an educated responsible citizen.