Monday, August 10, 2009

Funny sometimes...

I said 'I think th' and everyone started laughing (if you don't get it, it's a joke cause people laugh at the idea of me thinking)

I don't have a very good sense of humour - meaning I don't understand most things unless they are direct - I remember never understanding Seinfeld when dad use to watch. But once in a while I can be funny too and those moments are so fantastic. They seem so glorious.

Humour is very important because laughing is very important. I somehow don't like comedy shows on TV. Most people can't get over the fact that I don't really like Friends (I don't dislike the show - I enjoy it if it's on but it's not something I would die to watch or fight over the remote for etc). I also can't bear David Dhawan type comedies. Some how physical humour seems to work best with me (like when people are falling down or hurting themselves by being clumsy etc).

Wow this is becoming a boring post. I think I was just trying to see that this blog doesn't become a one liner blog too but no point in posting useless stuff just for the heck of it. Ya ya I'm stopping the typing. So uselessly's terrible. Okay done no more after this. I swear :P


Mirage said...

David Dhawan isn't classified as comedy in my dictionary. It is so cliched and just not funny! But yea, I too, sometimes take a moment to register a funny, satirical comment... and if I still don't get it, I do my fake-laugh! :P It is quite believable, trust me!

Deepali said...

Hehe cultivating a good fake laugh is a good idea. I usually got get away - maybe I should practice a lot more :)

Tall Guy said...

Hmm... guess you derive sadistic pleasure ha :P

David Dhawan movies should not be considered as a tool for measuring comedy, there are better ones out there :)

Deepali said...

Haha come on I'm sure nothing really happens to actors and well in real life I try not to laugh when someone falls etc but if I do end up laughing I think it's okay cause I laugh even when I fall (I mean unless its very painful or something).

Well I am glad 2 people mention that DD movies don't classify.

I just remembered that 'Just for Laughs GAGS' is the one thing I go mad laughing when I am watching. I was trying to remember a movie or TV show and finally this popped into my head :)

Ekta said...

Hmm..well everyone has their own style and there is nothing wrong with u not liking some shows..
But I do believe everyone has a sense of humor...just that it might come across in different ways in different situations!
So chillax and smile:-)

Naina said...

you kept talking about a bad sense of humor.. but by the end of this post you actually made me are cute!!


Deepali said...

@ Ekta - ya I figured that people have a humour wavelength too - it's always interesting to see how my Naani Mom and Maasis laugh at all the same things while me and my sis are rolling our eyes :)

@ Rane - Hehe that's just cause I suffer from chronic talking ;)
Welcome to the blog.