Sunday, July 06, 2008


Chic Thompson's website. It's pretty interesting. The 'Stuck' section mentions that - "Rather than doing nothing and waiting for the storm to pass. Look for an idea that changes the rules."

Below is a small extract that I liked. I am always critical of an idea first mainly because I think what is the point of wasting time discussing something that I think is going to fail. Will try the approach of being 'curious first' (it won't be easy cause being critical is a habit but over time habits can change if you work hard).

Finding a new idea is the most difficult choice because it requires being curious first and asking numerous questions. Then creatively looking for the new ideas in the answers.

The next time you hear a new idea, spend the first 60 seconds just thinking about all of it's possibilities. Being curious first, allows you to find out what is right with the idea. Even if the idea is finally rejected, you are aware of the idea's rightness and can apply that to another challenge you're facing.

Being critical first, is a costly mistake because it allows excuses to drive the creative thought process. It's amazing to watch a typical new idea interchange. Usually within eight seconds someone proclaims what is wrong with the new idea and then all you see are the pitfalls. Just think if everyone had looked at the pitfalls before they leaped, we'd still be crouched in caves sketching animal pictures on walls.

Check out the website if you have time.

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