Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Digicam or Handycam?...

I want a new digicam and soon. Not that my current one isn't good. It's just that I want one which negates shaky hands. Sometimes a bad workman should get extra good tools :)

The only thing I am wondering is whether I should get a digicam or finally go and get myself a video camera. I am sure that I would take more pictures than I would movies but a handycam is something I have wanted for a long time. And I do have a digital camera and a mobile phone with a camera (which takes decent pictures many a times).

More than price my issue is using the gadget. Anyway can't do anything till the end of the money. Hehe no money in the bank currently. So I have a while to decide. Hopefully by next month end, I'll be poorer in my back but invested in a beautiful device that captures events.

Fleeting thought - when will the day come when virtual reality devices will get fed by our real life experiences and we will be able to 'relive' the experiences we want to. A picture never does justice to a place/moment. Neither does a video. Being at a certain place at a certain time can never be captured. Even our feelings (when we were at that place at that time) fade faster than we would like (note I am talking about happy feelings, happy moments, happy places etc). Ah waiting for technology that you know could become reality gives a certain sort of comfort.

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