Friday, February 24, 2006

It works because people can relate...

Caught a little of 'Deal ya No deal' last evening, where this girl took nothing home, she was crying her guts out and so were all the other participants on the show. Everyone was very upset that she didnt win anything. And I realised that this was the secret of success of the show...make people related to the people on the show. Who doesnt need money and who wouldnt like to win money on an easy game show - where you neither have to be smart, nor daring, nor good looking or talented or any of that. Anyone can play the game and I think thats the beauty of it. Even though its actually a useless no brainer show, people still enjoy it for that very reason.
Anyway back to the girl...the show always starts (I think) with Mandira asking the contestant, what he / she would do with the money or why he/she needed the money. Most people come out saying they desperately need the money for something very important (always related to family) and thats where the whole 'relating' business comes in. People who are watching want this guy/girl to win, and win big or win small depending on the need. They sit back and watch but wish they could telling him/her what to do. They get agitated when the contestant doesnt take a good bank offer and get upset when a 'badi rakam' goes out...
So Simple .....


Ketan said...

...And some people among the studio audience are 'bhaade ke tattu', if you know what I mean. ;)

Deepali said...

Wow I don't even remember the show. But ya a lot of studio audience might be paid to be there but I am sure most participants used to get the same responses with a majority of the home audience.