Saturday, May 31, 2008

What a day...

Well it started of badly.

Missed a workshop I wanted to attend.

Anyway got a haircut - so far it is still pretty decent to look at. Waiting to see what it looks like after the first wash.

Caught Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with a couple of friends. Liked it. Loved the way it was made.

Then met up with another friend. And didn't have to go too far either. Everything happened within 30 mins of home :)

Those weekends when I catch up with people are usually always good. Mainly I think because it seems like an achievement in a way. I mean I love being home - watching TV - reading a novel - these days watching the clouds. But 1 more TV show or another 200 pages doesn't mean what it use to.

Maybe it is a phase but also maybe it is me changing what I like to do with my time.

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