Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I wonder why...

It has been such a 'hazy' day.


No seriously I mean a hazy day in a literal sense.

I wonder what causes the day to be this 'foggy'. Some of my assumptions would be -
1) Pollution in the air.
2) Cloud formations - filtering how much sunlight gets received.
3) Temperature and other factors in the weather (water vapour, etc).

Makes for a good day to be out even in the middle of the afternoon. Unfortunately most of us end up being indoors on beautiful days because of work.


Cosmic Joy said...

I think the reason is the cool air and the hot ground. When the two mix, it creates a fog or haze depending on the surface conditions.

Here, where I live, the last few mornings have been very foggy, and visibility is almost zero early mornings. But it clears up as the sun comes out.

Deepali said...

This was middle of the afternoon so it's not really a fog...but anyway still makes for a nice day to be out.

Amol Naik said...

Such type of atmosphere during Jan to April destroys Mango Cultivation!!!

Deepali said...

But Jan to April (okay so April is a stretch but maybe start March) is sort of expected but end October???