Friday, July 06, 2007


THANK GOD it's Friday...

Need I say more?

The week has been so hectic, stressful, unproductive...

Gotta love the idea of weekends.


just pk said...

and just when i posted the following on my blog...i cam across this...such an irony...

"again facing the time i fear the most...a lonely weekend...

husband traveling, friendless city, nowhere to go..and two days to kill...

i feel lonely..."

Deepali said...

haha ya some weekends are lonely but i totally love the idea of just sitting at home and chilling - if its without too many people around me, its even better.

now the beauty (sarcasm) of life is that my weekend will be over really soon and yours will just drag on.

so you new to mumbai or another city?(didnt read much on your blog but had visited it and read this very post)