Saturday, December 23, 2006

Tell me, what becomes of us...?

I would suggest you first read the blog entry - Train to Chennai. It truly brings to light a reality that all women face. Sexual harassment happens allllll the time. The only thing is that we don't want to call it that cause then we have to accept that it happened. A man falling all over you in a bus or brushing past you 'cause of too many people' around is something that makes every woman uncomfortable, or at least it should. And what do we women do? We move up front in that bush, we write off the asshole as also being squashed and having no option, we try and look away when people are staring, we half run when being eve teased. Too many men get away with harassment and it is not right. I admire women who make a noise and get men who mess with them into trouble. I am the kind who would go and stand ahead in the bus, or someone who will say 'what are you looking at' mildly instead of saying 'I'll poke your eyes out *******'.

I do think the first step is to call all this crap sexual harassment and to put more men behind bars.

Of course the bigger issue if of a bully and people who can't stand up to one. Being vulnerable isn't the best position to be in, and I think we shouldn't make the mistake with our children that our parents made with us. We must realise that standing up and shouting loud is the right think to do, knowing full well that we might be in a little more trouble than we otherwise would have been, if we ran away, but that at the end of the day we won't be ashamed of how we reacted....

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