Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Yay yay yay....Diwali will be here soon :D

Well what can I say - I just LOVEEEEEEEEE Diwali.
Sure I don't like the noise and air pollution but man I love firework - feel like such a kid when I'm watching them (especially the ones that go up like a rocket and blow up - damn I wish I knew the names of such things).
I would NEVER personally burn crackers because of the pollution and also cause there is tons of better stuff one can do with that money but it's free to watch right.

Also love all the lights all around - shops are lit up, lanterns hang all around, diyas are lit - it's just great - truely festive.

And then the poojas and mithais are another thing. Sure I am totally not into ceremonies and rituals especiallyyyyy religious ones but still it's always fun. The chanting and the aarti and all these other funny things we do. Sure they might hold no essence for me in my 'modern' life but even I can't help but appreciate that such things have a history. They are a part of where we came from.

Well I usually don't do what most do on Diwali (or rather my family). We don't neccessarily buy something new and we don't usually buy gold [but mom does full house cleaning every year without fail :)]. We don't go meeting relatives (don't have too many around). We don't distribute gifts etc either but Diwali is still always great fun.

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