Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Short story writing

If you write short fiction stories, this might interest you - Living Your Passion

You need to write a 350 - 400 words story. A line is given which can be the start or end line of the story.

If you like it, do take part, it would be great to read interesting stories. And if you don't write but would like reading the stories, voting starts 16 April so you can stick around on the fan page for the stories to get published.


Tall Guy said...

Was this meant for me? :)

I hope you read the fiction that I have started to write.

I think I'll give it a shot.

BTW, no reply to the comments, too busy?

Deepali said...

Hehe ya for you..I think even Ketan writes fiction so thought of sharing it.

Naah I haven't read too many blogs recently :( might be on vacation next month - if I have the time I'll catch up on everyones blog then.

Yup pretty busy and by the end of the day too tired to be bothered with much (except my farm on facebook of course hehe)