Thursday, July 24, 2008


I was on the phone for 40 minutes today with someone I have known for nearly a year and a half. And guess what, I came to know she has 2 kids. Didn't even know she was married.

It's so strange how you know people but don't really know them. We spoke about so much stuff - her work place, my work, how much her competitors suck, her staff, me having family in HK and Manila and she having family in Sydney and US, the weather, people we both know, etc etc. It was a fun conversation. Mainly because I have known Manjula for so long but haven't really know much about her and now I filled in a lot more paint into the picture.

:) It was great talking to you Manjula, let's hope we do it more often.

Tomorrow (or next week) I will call her Meera :)

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