Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Sankranti / Pongal...

Which ever to whom ever it fits (I don't quite get the who and whom right).

Another year goes by and I don't learn how to fly a kite :(


KP said...

"Happy Sankranti / Pongal..." to you and everyone in the world....;)

flying kite...u reminded me of my teenage days in backhome...i really hate the fact that....i just learned how to fly kite and we moved away..:(..I have decided nxt time i am visiting india this time of the yr.......;)

You took me back to the memory lane with this post......

Deepali said...


Even I miss going on the building terrace and watching other kids fly kites. Now with work am stuck in doors every year on Sankranti.

Unknown said...

Thank You!

First time ever I'm away from family for pongal :-(

Cosmic Joy said...

BTW, I did fly a kite this january :)