Sunday, February 18, 2007

Got to study got to study got to study...

Yup I have got to study.

Who would have thought going back to books would be so tough. I mean I use to be a good student. Super lazy but still good. Sure I could have done much better if I had worked harder but that's a different story. Now I find that it's so difficult to concentrate. I guess when you are a student the core work of your life is to study so you end up doing it well but when you have other 'jobs' and have to study at the same time, the other work gets priority.

Anyway I hate our education system because only now when I work do I understand half the non sense that I studied because it all was in my books when I was 16.

My question is - What is the point of doing something when there is no real significance of doing that thing, at that point in time? It's like reading Don Quixote when you are 10.

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