Thursday, November 06, 2008

OMG I have a cavity...

I CANNOT believe it. I actually have a cavity. Haven't had one in at least 8 years.


Was depressed when the dentist today me and I hate that I went for a check up (not out of the blue but lots of pestering from Mom and sisters appointment to get her cavities filled up).

But she said it was still early which is good cause the cavity isn't deep. And will get it fill up in a week.

This totally sucks. I always prided (the word sounds sooooo wrong but it is in an online dictionary) for having good decay free teeth. I guess I have to be more careful.

Worse news was that the dentist mentioned to my sis that fillings might need repair / touch-up every 5-7 years. Damn I couldn't help but think what a crime it is to have cavities early in life. And someone should scare us about stuff like this because I surely didn't know and I would definitely have been less lazy as a kid if I knew the torture never ends.

Rant Over.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooh that sucks...although I should not be one saying that..I dont have the best teeth!!