Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why can't US TV shows be like Saas Bahu serials?...

My favourite character in CSI (Sarah Sidle) left the series in Season 8 episode 7 - Goodbye and Goodluck.

So damn depressing. I mean if this was a hindi serial and the actor wanted to leave, they would make the character have an accident and lo and behold we have another actor take the place cause the character went through plastic surgery.

Okay I am talking rot. No one would play Sarah Sidle after Jorja Fox has. Not because Jorja Fox was totally brilliant (not that she wasn't). It's just that when you spend time with a character - seeing a face to a personality, a name, a person for so long, no matter what happens, you cannot accept a new face and associate it to that same person.

But Sarah was my favouriteeeeeeee character man. This sucks. I can't believe I didn't hear about this even though it's old news. I mean sure I make a conscious effort not to get any information about the English shows I watch cause they all air in India after month of being aired in the US and I feel it spoils the fun. But this was such a shock. I would have thought that someone would have told me.

The show will never be the same. I mean I like Grissom too (the character) and Greg but Sarah's character was the besttttt.

Ya I am fussing and being depressed about a TV character and I think I will always do it. It's not weird. It's natural if you watch a well etched character for so long.



Solitaire said...

Its an interesting post but have no idea who or what you are talking about!

Deepali said...

Haha CSI is Crime Scene Investigation. It is a US show which is running in its 8th season. Sarah Sidle is one of the investigators on the show. Jorja Fox plays the role and she decided to move on. She didnt want to shoot anymore so they showed her exit the team she works with.