Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Sometimes I think that life is nothing but one tragedy after another.

I'm glad my life on most days doesn't seem like this but when I look around, I often wonder how some people get by day after day. Sometimes I think these people have a lot of strength. Other time I think that they have no choice. Maybe it is just time - it makes everything fade away eventually....


Tall Guy said...

Then there are times when we wonder why the hell we need to grow up?

How are you? Took a long time to blog again.

Deepali said...

I'm good. Hows you?

Ya been a long time. I do post every now and then but no consistency :( like the post title - sigh.

You still blogging regularly or just active on twitter?

Tall Guy said...

Doing good!

Yeah, I notice that. Work keeps busy ha?

Active on blogger, but not much on twitter though. These days hardly find the time to do anything :(