Monday, July 27, 2009

Don't blame me for having FIXED's genetic.

On FB this sounded fun but here it sounds serious. Anyway it's on a lighter note but true non the less hehe ;)


Tall Guy said...


Deepali said...

and TRUE hehe

Ketan said...

Fixed ideas and FIXATION--both sometimes need some fixing. Rarely, life does a good job of it; other times, people die disordered.

Okay, it's just another of those fancy play of words not to be taken seriously. :P


Deepali said...

I was thinking 'shoot I'll have to read that at least 3 times to understand properly' hehe till I read then end and then though ah well proper understanding not required ;)

Ketan said...

If you might be interested in what I meant in my previous comment, the description of my blog in the header roughly translates to that. :)

You seriously didn't get it? :(

Deepali said...

Don't worry I read it 3 times ;)

The only bit I didn't get totally is use of the word 'disordered'. Of course I assumed people die; as wrongly as they lived (meaning no correction happened) but if you mean something else then you will have to explain.

Ketan said...

Assuming a very high moral ground, people die more ignorant than they have to, and less wise than can. :) That's what I meant by dying disordered.

Deepali said...

How does assumption become very high moral ground?

This statement made more sense than the word. But if people are ignorant about being ignorant, then does it matter?

Ketan said...

Assuming = occupying; as in taking a higher moral ground for myself, which I was being mildly apologetic about since your and my acquaintance is very short and referring to others as dying ignorant may seem as an arrogant statement on my part.

A disorder is not only about something causing pain; when full potential of an entity is not reached, it is unfortunate. An old bus may carry over 70 passengers to their destination, but if it were possible to build a more fuel efficient and comfortable bus, then the existing one would certainly be 'malfunctioning' so to say. Likewise, when I see around, so much potential for people to be happier, and more peaceful than they currently are, especially because of lack of introspection and/or honest analysis of the world, I see it as potential going waste. I see it as disorder. So, disorder may not always be detected by the sufferer, but also by the one knowing the highest potential. For humans, I think, that potential is 'thinking', and when it is not used to its near full potential, I see it as wastage of being human and not some other less evolved animal.

All that I've said in these comments has nothing to do with your original post, I merely playfully veered away from it because of my play of words. Hope you don't mind.


Deepali said...

My take on it is that wastage is inevitable. No matter how much we don't want it, something or the other will not be working at 100% efficiency. It's true that people would be a lot happier and peaceful if they understood a few more things about their life and the world around them but unfortunately happiness and peace I feel are more complicated that this. It takes more than just understanding to arrive at them.

The other issue is that where you have arrived depends on a lot of things - not everyone has either the same path or the same experiences of the same thinking process as the next person. So the disorder I would assume would exist differently for everyone in some way or another. Basically the 'thinking' that people do is different.

The third issue is that people who know they have a disorder, do try and get treated but might select the wrong 'medicine'.

Absolute no issues with the veering from the original post. That's what usually happens in conversations - the direction of the discussion keeps changing :)

Ketan said...

Yes Deepali, you're right about the certain degree of wastage. And neither was I hinting at people trying to exceed their own thinking capacities in matters of logic as well as emotional responses.

I'm also not saying that merely thinking about certain problems will solve them, but then, if you look around, may problems require only a little bit more thinking to solve them. Right from a person being unhappy because their neighbor has bought a bigger car (which they anyway might need and taking a nearly unpayable loan in the process) to children suffering from polio only because their parents won't get them vaccinated because of some religious indoctrination. I'm talking of these kind of problems. I believe they're perfectly soluble if one applies a bit of thought.

My second issue (though I didn't comment on it above) is with people lacking a confidence in their own ability to think, but much worse, allowing it to be hijacked by someone else, following their dictats blindly and, suffering in the process.

Coincidentally and rod somewhat unfortunately, the post of mine on which you commented is not at all 'representative' of my overall kind of writing, so I just hope, my number on your waiting list when you peruse 3 to 4 posts of mine in one go, comes a bit sooner. ;)


Ketan said...

*... a bigger car (which they might anyway not need...

Cosmic Joy said...

(wondering what would be deepali's response to ketan's last comment)


Deepali said...

Haha I shall reply within a few days.

Ketan said...

So Deepali, are you planning to buy a BIG car? In that case, you can totally ignore my above comment if you promise to give me free rides once in a while. ;)

Deepali said...

Sorry haven't replied to this earlier (I think I'll put down replies sooner cause it becomes tough to go back and figure what the discussion was about).

Well before I actually move into explaining my position let me tell you some generic ideas that I have which are relevant to any discussion I would have. My motto seems to have moved towards a 'live and let live' stand. And part of that makes me not worry or bother about what certain people do/say/feel. It's everyones right to live life the way they choose to. Secondly certain things are human nature. They will exist irrespective of circumstances. The excuses might change but the actions will still be the same. Meaning if all people in the world stop being racist today, there will still be discrimination but on some other grounds. The bigger evils cannot be wiped out because it is our nature to want to be superior and also our nature to feel inadequate.

So my stand on someone buying a big car with it's not needed and moving into a debt for it, while might be stupid but that person would have a reason to do so. The reason might not be logical from any stand point but the world doesn't work on purely logic very unfortunately.

Similarly the parents don't give a vaccination because they have their own beliefs. They believe in things higher than anything around them. Invincibility and immortality is something everyone feels. Of course it is unfortunate that their child would end up suffering and I personally think it is very wrong myself but to convince them would be impossible. Therefore no amount of thinking or intelligence (on their part) will help. The onus of changing a point of view, doesn't like with the person who has a view point but the one who wants to change that view point. So the logic of science changing their mindset is not something happening automatically. From their point of view they are still doing what they believe is best for their child. If what they are doing isn't really the best, it's not a limitation of their thinking as much as it is about other things like their lack of basic education of a what a vaccine really is and how it works etc.

Blind faith is a horrible thing and I personally use to get very angry when someone use to follow something blindly but it will keep happening. Not because those people who are following blindly are stupid or limited in their reasoning capacity. It's mainly because they have reasons other than the ones we see for doing what they are doing. For me (now) at the end of the day if anything is making someones life better without harming someone else, it's a good thing. Doesn't matter how it looks for feels to me if it's enhancing their own life.