Thursday, May 01, 2008


We all suffer many times from some inability or the other.

Since I am blogging, I will confess my inability to express properly the way I think and feel. Ya I am proud of my one liners which come out nicely (especially when you get a context to them) but when I have to write a long post, I feel all over the place even if I am not.

Structure defeats me. Brevity defeats me. Language too sometimes defeats me.

Anyway the way to deal with an inability is to try and over come it, either by getting the right training or doing the task over and over. So thankfully there is a way out.

Now I am not saying I will write longer posts - I hate reading long posts (I have confessed this before. I really do unless the topic is something I can relate to or the writing style is something that either similar to mine or super - then I will read a post of even 5000 words) so I won't write long posts. What I will do is re-write semi long posts and try to make them shorter. (Provided I have the time of course).

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