Thursday, April 10, 2008

What's playing on your music player?....

I need more English music - Allllllll the music channels seems to play only hindi music now days (don't watch VH1 - it's not in the 300-312 channels [music channel section in CAS] - it's in the lifestyle channel section).

God I remember how I was an 'early adopter' of FM back in the day. 1994 I guess. Use to listen to this 'english top 20' show or something. I was always the first to know new 'happening' songs in school :)

Then everyone got hooked to English songs cause it was the cool thing so I was like everyone else.

Then there was Bhavna - she would give me a list of songs before we had even heard of it or the singer here in India.

Now all I get is latest hindi music from TV.

So what you listening to?


Mansi Trivedi said...

I love:
Radiohead - new album - how can i end up where i started
Michael Buble
Amy Winehouse
Juno movies soundtrack


Anonymous said...

"Use to listen to this 'english top 20' show or something. I was always the first to knew new 'happening' songs in school :)"
Check for typo, did not "knew" would find one here.

Deepali said...

@ anonymous - thanks. fixed. happens and I am sure it will keep happening. I don't read the posts before I publish only read them months after they are written if at all.