Friday, November 02, 2012

Staying in the same direction...

Why is it that when we realize we are digging our own grave, we still continue digging?


All the shit we don't want, comes to us and the only thing we chase, is totally out of reach.

What to do what to do what to do what to do what to do....

Don't you just hate when you're tormented because you have too many choices to choose from? Sometimes having too many choices is worse than having no choice.


If you have no trust in someone, nothing they say or do will seem right to you.

I'm not a fan of blindly trusting people but if there is 0 trust, you'll get nowhere.

Giving Love

If you are going to be partial in your love, always love more, those that love you back.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Growing Up

You only stop being a kid when life slaps you in the face a bunch of times and wakes you up. So a lot of people irrespective of age, will stay kids for longer than you imagine.

[PS - I'm not talking about 'the inner child in you' (positive sense and all) when I say 'kid']

+ - - + + - - +

So little required for going from positivity to negativity and so much effort needed to go from negativity to positivity.
Life has no real balance


Some dreams are meant to be just dreams....