Sunday, January 01, 2012

Resolution for 2012

I'm waiting for the sun to come up while I write this. Watching the sunrise on 1st January has sort of become a tradition for me. I can't remember how or when it started but the idea was to see at least one sunrise a year. Many a times I have thought not to stay up so late and wait for the sun but rather rise with it and each time I fail.

Often while I'm waiting for the sun, I marvel about nature and how it awakens too each day. Sometimes I reflect on the year that was and other times I reflect on the year to be. Often I have thought even about the 'dhobis' because I always each year hear clothes being washed and I think how tragic is a life which has no holidays (breaks). I also try and think of resolutions for the new year knowing very well I'm not going to succeed in even a single. This year however I've decided to have just one simple single resolution. One that is easily attainable. I resolve to wake up to at least 12 sunrises in 2012. Simple enough. And if I decide to finish off these 12 sunrises in winter itself I don't have to wake up super early.

The reason to try this is so that I can at least make an effort to become a morning person.
Goodluck to me. Good thing about doing this again this year is that it is surprisingly cloudly today and that will ruin the sunrise and I get a second, third.....twelveth go at seeing the perfect sunrise.